Rhythm Dances on top of the Main Beat

I am using QUAVER in my music classes this year, and I can’t brag loudly enough about the quality of every aspect of this product. My students love it and are completely captivated by Quaver’s antics. In addition to using the Quaver curriculum as a launching pad for musical concepts, I’m also creating activities or projects that allow us to use 1:1 iPads as a learning tool. It’s working fabulously! In the follow video, students had to choose instruments to illustrate both the steady main beat and a rhythmic pattern on top. (I had several iMovies made, but somehow lost them in the upload….. technology is fabulous when it works but terrible when it doesn’t!) By the way, I didn’t do the filming. In each class, I set up my iPad on a home-made tripod and assigned two students to be the “Film Crew” for the day. Watching these videos gives me new ideas of ways I can improve my specific directions to produce the desired outcomes. I have so much to learn!! I wish I could go back to college and start all over learning how to teach with all this technology. Although I’m jealous of the younger teachers, I am determined to create opportunities for authentic learning in my classroom. It’s magically addictive when it happens!

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