Music and Technology in the First Grade
Musical Math using the Explain Everything app
First graders used a combination of manipulatives and technology to create a musical math tutorial.
In a Dark, Dark, Wood
First graders practice reading fluently and expressively in this Explain Everything activity. While they are telling a scary story, they are also applying musical dynamics in an unforgettable way.
A Treble Clef Tutorial
Composer Study. What did you learn?
After our lesson and watching this MadLips video I created about the composer, Bach, first graders went outside to tell their parents what they learned. This student made a video and uploaded it to Seesaw. Without technology, I would never have known this little one, who never speaks in my class, had such personality and her parents would never have heard all about Mr. Bach. The iPad gives a voice to even the shyest of students.
Selfie Lyric Videos using the iPad
To help first graders learn to chant the “Little Pig’s Jive” with expression, students created a selfie video using their iPads – all at the same time. Students were then able to take their iPads home to practice even more. Technology makes learning so much fun!
Valentine Rhythms using SMARTBoard, iPads, and QR codes
An example of the use of QR codes used to deliver group – specific assignments in a 1:1 iPad music classroom. First grade students worked in groups to find the Valentine rhythmic pattern in images and checked their answers on the interactive SMARTBoard file.