Smartboard Music Lesson – Teddy Bears

Perfect for Kindergarten children, this SMARTboard Music Lesson –  Teddy Bears, will quickly become a class favorite!

Each page in this file is linked for easy use.
There is also a link to a YouTube video about bees drinking water.
The children will love to see the bees up close and in slow motion. 
Using a BEAR theme, students sing and count “10 Little Teddy Bears”
The Students enjoy touching each bear to pull it off the shelf.
Students practice counting backwards from 10
Students have several pages of rhythmic clapping 
Ted-dy Bear, Ted – dy Bear, Bee, Bee, and “Shh” for the sleeping bear
There is one page where students can make their own rhythmic patterns.
Honey pots are linked to either fast “bee” sounds or slow “sleeping bear” sounds
This is a perfect activity for students to touch the board and listen.
The “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around” song is illustrated
Students can compare the shape of these musical phrases

Smartboard Music Lesson –  Teddy Bears

My students love anything to do with Teddy Bears! I hope you can use this lesson with your little ones. In this simple lesson, the children are exploring fast and slow, counting backwards from 10, clapping rhythm rebus patterns, and melodic shapes…. music is so much fun!!

Download the Smartboard Music Lesson –  Teddy Bears  here.



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Cherie Herring

Music/Technology Integration at Hammond School
I teach elementary music, am passionate about integrating technology into my teaching, am obsessed with my SMARTBoard and iPad, and enjoy creating lessons and sharing ideas. I love technology almost as much as I love cheesecake, and with more energy and ideas than I know what to do with, I can't wait for the sun to come up each morning! I'm wife to Prince Charming and mom to three incredible girls who keep me balanced. . . sort of!

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