Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity

Here is a fun November-Themed Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity

SMARTBoard music lesson Thanksgiving solfege

SMARTBoard Music Lesson:

The Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity  is an interactive activity using the solfa pitches: do – mi- sol – la. The purpose of the lesson is for children to hear a musical pattern and identify the correct ending pitch.

Hide from the Hunter!

Students touch the Hunter on each page to listen to a solfege melody. There are two different options for the final pitch and students move the Turkey to the correct pitch location. If they are correct, the Turkey disappears and hides from the Hunter. If they are incorrect, the Turkey bounces back to the ground… ugh!

SMARTBoard Notebook 11 Activity Builder Features

The Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity  uses the Activity Builder add-on feature in Notebook 11. The optional pitches on each page are built to either accept or reject the Turkey. I’ve only used the Activity Builder feature a couple of times in my lessons, and I’m finally getting the hang of it.

1:1 iPad- Ready

For those who have access to iPads in their music rooms,  I have included, on the last page of this file, a QR code linked to a downloadable Explain Everything Turkey Solfege file. Students simply scan the QR code > Download> Open in Explain Everything.  While one student is at the SMARTboard, I have the rest of my class working on their iPads to circle the correct final note.

This file, Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity, can now be purchased in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.


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Cherie Herring

Music/Technology Integration at Hammond School
I teach elementary music, am passionate about integrating technology into my teaching, am obsessed with my SMARTBoard and iPad, and enjoy creating lessons and sharing ideas. I love technology almost as much as I love cheesecake, and with more energy and ideas than I know what to do with, I can't wait for the sun to come up each morning! I'm wife to Prince Charming and mom to three incredible girls who keep me balanced. . . sort of!

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1 thought on “Thanksgiving Turkey Solfege SMARTBoard Activity”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this Turkey Solfege! My classes have loved it and its been a great way to practice solfege. Great job! We have loved the wrong/right answer comments! So funny!

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