This is week No. 3 of online learning and my students and parents are loving the clickable music choice boards for PreK and Kindergarten because it puts all the activities in one location with options for each day. That’s the beauty of a clickable choice board in Seesaw; it limits some of the frustration for parents who are quarantined with preschoolers!
Choice Boards are Win-Win During COVID-19
Can you imagine? I don’t know what would be worse: stuck inside for weeks on end with preschoolers or dealing with homebound moody teenagers!! Anything we can do to make finding the online lessons easier for parents is a win-win for everyone. Week three is all about exploring Loud and Soft sounds. Â
It’s all about the presentation!
Since there is no particular order for completing these activities, my hope is that the children will want to try them all. Like most everything in life, it’s all about presentation!!
Please Touch It!
When I design the page on the Music Choice Boards for PreK and Kindergarten, I try to imagine what it would take to make a child want to touch an image. If I can just get them to touch it, I’ve got them hooked for a musical experience.
Google Slides is Easy!
Fortunately, Google Slides is easy to use for designing the layout. Building the page is not the hard part, though; finding the resources is the most time-consuming. Here is what I found for exploring the concepts of loud and soft.
Exploring Loud and Soft
“Going on a Bear Hunt” performed by co-author, Michael Rosen, is an exciting way for children to discover that using our soft and loud voices makes stories and songs more exciting to hear.
“We Are the Dinosaurs” by Laurie Berkner, is perfect for getting children moving to loud and soft sounds. The dinosaurs march loudly during the day but rest quietly in the evening. This song has too many kid-favorite surprises to list!
Ernie and Bert sing “Loud and Soft” and discover that they can like all the opposite things and still remain good friends!
“Alice the Camel” is a sing-a-long from the Learning Groove “Rockin’ Red” album by Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael. There is also a page in this activity for children to number the humps as they sing and record their voice.
“We Will Stomp” (L’Arlesienne Suite) is from The Learning Groove “Yummy Yellow” album by Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael. It’s the perfect way to have a classical orchestra connection and for children to move to the music they hear.
“This Old Man” is from “Jazzy Toons” arranged by Josh Greenberg, who created The Mother Goose Jazz Band. This jazzy version is one the children will enjoy as they sing-a-long and their parents will smile with delight at the sophisticated sounds.
“Quiet or Loud” by Sesame Street is an animated video about using our quiet or loud voices throughout the day. It’s adorable!!!
“Forte Piano” is a MusicK-8 gem that boys and girls love to act out and sing. Big muscles for the forte sounds and even the boys twirl on their tippy-toes like the mouse during the piano sounds. There is a loud/soft image sorting page in this activity to go along with this concept.

Activities in No. 3 Choice Boards
There two pages for response in the PreK No. 3 activity and three pages for response in the Kindergarten activity. The additional activity for Kindergarten has them finding something in their house that makes a loud sound and something that makes a soft sound, take a picture of it to add to the page and record the sound with the microphone.
I hope you can use week 3 of the Clickable Music Choice Boards for PreK and Kindergarten. For the future, I would love to hear how it goes for you and your students.
Click and Save
If you want to use these Seesaw Activities, click on the image and SAVE the activity in Seesaw. You don’t need to assign it right away for it to be added to your library. If you want to edit the activities, touch the three dots and “Copy and Edit” to make it your own.Â

I hope these help you as you teach online.
Cherie Herring
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1 thought on “Music Choice Boards for PreK and Kindergarten”
Hi! I love your music choice boards. I am having trouble saving some of the downloadable files on the music choice boards (week 3 and the previous post). Some links worked and some didn’t. These ones worked: 103 PreK music choice board loud/soft, 103 Kindergarten music choice board, No. 3 3rd grade, No. 3 Fifth grade. I noticed that when it did not work the link sent me to the generic activity library. Is it possible to get the other choice boards posted? Thanks so much for sharing!