I’m an elementary music teacher by day and wife to prince charming and mom to three beautiful daughters by night….. well, actually only until they all go to bed, and then I become this obsessed nut creating SMARTNotebook lessons and iPad activities I can use to integrate technology into my music classes by day. I’ve done many things in my life, but none compare with my life now! I love working with all my heart to make learning hard things fun, and I love the chaos that active learning creates. I LOVE teaching!! I love teaching children and especially adults who think they “can’t.” And if that’s not enough info, here are a few random things about me:
1. I received a John Deere lawnmower for Christmas… from my husband and my dad!
2. I like to iron.
3. I don’t like the winter months!
4. I’m allergic to eggs.
5. Shout out to Kate Spade for designing my uber-cool glasses. Dorky, I know!
6. I had very curly hair up until my daughters were born.
7. I hand wrote my wedding invitations in calligraphy and made money with my calligraphy skills during college.
8. I can’t chew gum for more than 20 sec. without swallowing it.
9. Cereal is the perfect food!
10. I’m a Christian and I love Jesus. My favorite hymn is “What Wondrous Love is This?”Cherie Herring
11. I was an all-star softball player in my younger days. I was a tom-boy!
12. I’d rather be playing a sport than watching it.
13. Mozart is my favorite composer. Rachmaninoff is my second favorite.
14. It’s embarrassing, but I can’t dance!
15. I snort when I laugh.
16. I smile a lot and you can’t say my name correctly without smiling either.
17. I met my husband on a blind date and when he asked me what kind of books I liked to read, I replied, “Manuals!” For real! I read manuals for fun.
18. Operating instructions are interesting to me.
19. I know how to make my own Oboe reeds!
20. I love the smell of moth balls and permanent markers!
21. My nose runs when I get excited.
22. I have completely mastered all levels of MahjongTowers and Bubble Blast.
23. I still don’t like the dark!
24. I wish I were more outgoing and had my husband’s gregarious personality.
25. I’m very patient except with lazy-minded adults.
26. I can sew (heirloom and embroidery)and made my daughters’ clothes and doll clothes… I learned by reading the manual!
27. I cannot cook! My husband does ALL of the cooking! I have zero interest.
28. If I hadn’t majored in Music, I would have been a nurse.
29. I grew up in a great family and married someone who also came from strong family values.
30. I love to watch boxing, gory movies and doctor shows.
31. I can’t stand to pull teeth or change poopy diapers. My husband does all that!
32. On my death-bed, I have given instructions to be fed Sweetened Condensed Milk, Jones Cream Soda, and Potato Chips with onion dip. Can’t wait! I also want to be buried wearing a red bikini because that’s who I really am underneath all the OCD layers!
33. I love minutia. I mean, I LOVE minutia! I see it as an interesting puzzle to figure out. I don’t like telling people that because I know they will make fun of me.
34. I carry an epi-pen with me all the time because I’m deathly allergic to something unknown.
35. I finish what I start, always!
36. I’m competitive to the core!
37. I sleep on my grandparents’ original feather bed that came from Mississippi.
38. My daughters are very athletic, beautiful, and smart… just like their Daddy!
39. I am not a good follower… I’d rather lead! When I try to be, I’m just faking it until I can figure out a way to be in a trusted leadership role.
40. I will never have grey hair… if you know what I mean!
41. If I could have any job in the world, I would love to mow the grass on the interstate! How sad is that?!
42. My husband balances out my OCD and makes me laugh at my weirdness.
43. I’m shy in a small group but very comfortable teaching large groups of people.
44. I like to teach and learn by playing games.
45. I love teaching with and using technology of any kind.
46. I enjoy making people successful learning new things with technology.
47. I often feel alone in my passion. Blogging has helped this feeling.
48. I wish I could roll my “R’s.”
Thanks for dropping by. I hope you find something interesting here.

I’m an elementary music teacher by day and wife to prince charming and mom to three beautiful daughters by night….. well, actually only until they all go to bed, and then I become this obsessed nut creating SMARTNotebook lessons and iPad activities I can use to integrate technology into my music classes by day. I’ve done many things in my life, but none compare with my life now! I love working with all my heart to make learning hard things fun, and I love the chaos that active learning creates. I LOVE teaching!! I love teaching children and especially adults who think they “can’t.” And if that’s not enough info, here are a few random things about me:
1. I received a John Deere lawn mower for Christmas… from my husband and my dad!
2. I like to iron.
3. I don’t like the winter months!
4. I’m allergic to eggs.
5. Shout out to Kate Spade for designing my uber-cool glasses. Dorky, I know!
6. I had very curly hair up until my daughters were born.
7. I hand wrote my wedding invitations in calligraphy and made money with my calligraphy skills during college.
8. I can’t chew gum for more than 20 sec. without swallowing it.
9. Cereal is the perfect food!
10. I’m a Christian and I love Jesus. My favorite hymn is “What Wondrous Love is This?”
11. I was an all-star softball player in my younger days. I was a tom-boy!
12. I’d rather be playing a sport than watching it.
13. Mozart is my favorite composer. Rachmaninoff is my second favorite.
14. It’s embarrassing, but I can’t dance!
15. I snort when I laugh.
16. I smile a lot and you can’t say my name correctly without smiling either.
17. I met my husband on a blind date and when he asked me what kind of books I liked to read, I replied, “Manuals!” For real! I read manuals for fun.
18. Operating instructions are interesting to me.
19. I know how to make my own Oboe reeds!
20. I love the smell of moth balls and permanent markers!
21. My nose runs when I get excited.
22. I have completely mastered all levels of MahjongTowers and Bubble Blast.
23. I still don’t like the dark!
24. I wish I were more outgoing and had my husband’s gregarious personality.
25. I’m very patient except with lazy-minded adults.
26. I can sew (heirloom and embroidery)and made my daughters’ clothes and doll clothes… I learned by reading the manual!
27. I cannot cook! My husband does ALL of the cooking! I have zero interest.
28. If I hadn’t majored in Music, I would have been a nurse.
29. I grew up in a great family and married someone who also came from strong family values.
30. I love to watch boxing, gory movies and doctor shows.
31. I can’t stand to pull teeth or change poopy diapers. My husband does all that!
32. On my death-bed, I have given instructions to be fed Sweetened Condensed Milk, Jones Cream Soda, and Potato Chips with onion dip. Can’t wait! I also want to be buried wearing a red bikini because that’s who I really am underneath all the OCD layers!
33. I love minutia. I mean, I LOVE minutia! I see it as an interesting puzzle to figure out. I don’t like telling people that because I know they will make fun of me.
34. I carry an EpiPen with me all the time because I’m deathly allergic to something unknown.
35. I finish what I start, always!
36. I’m competitive to the core!
37. I sleep on my grandparents’ original feather bed that came from Mississippi.
38. My daughters are very athletic, beautiful, and smart… just like their Daddy!
39. I am not a good follower… I’d rather lead! When I try to be, I’m just faking it until I can figure out a way to be in a trusted leadership role.
40. I will never have grey hair… if you know what I mean!
41. If I could have any job in the world, I would love to mow the grass on the interstate! How weird is that?!
42. My husband balances out my OCD and makes me laugh at my weirdness.
43. I’m shy in a small group but very comfortable teaching large groups of people.
44. I like to teach and learn by playing games.
45. I love teaching with and using technology of any kind.
46. I enjoy making people successful learning new things with technology.
47. I often feel alone in my passion. Blogging has helped this feeling.
48. I wish I could roll my “R’s.”
Thanks for dropping by. I hope you find something interesting here.
Visit my HOME page to read about my latest adventure

Cherie Herring