Hugs and Happy Thoughts
I’m experiencing the most amazing thing in my life right now. With the encouragement of fellow tweeters, I started this blog to reach out for like-minded music teachers… people just like me…. struggling to incorporate all this new technology into my music classroom. Amazingly, just by sharing ideas, a whole new world of friends has joined my PLN – Personal Learning Network. When I blog, I don’t feel alone anymore! Thank you all for the kind words about my blogposts and lessons. I am very grateful to have you in the balcony of my life cheering me on! – D
Thank you so much for the amazing ideas with Aurasma. I just checked it out for the first time this weekend and now I have changed my entire classroom into interactive bulletin boards! I have one for Afro Cuban music with each of the instruments coming to life. And I’m making another for each of the students progress on their violins. Thanks so much! – A
Cherie, I ran across a lesson you posted in how you use Aurasma with recorders. I wanted to say thank you to inspiring me! I wrote a grant using Aurasma as my technology piece with art and music tied in! The results were astounding! I wish I could send you the picture of the finished product! Keep being amazing! – C
I’m so inspired by this and will begin integrating the interactive boards in to my elementary curriculum this summer. Thank you for the amazing ideas and sharing. Looking forward to joing you soon and sharing some fun boards and students crazy excited about learning
– S
Cherie,What struck me the most was how this transferred ownership of the content to the students. The boy who commented that he liked working with his friends and liked to make up the lines and pick what they were doing, as opposed to the teachers deciding, really resonated with me! Thanks for posting this. Amazing work! – C
Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic ideas for a better functioning music room. I have been re-vamping my room looking for better ideas for a long time. Current storage looks much like your pre-door hanging photos. Those are a complete inspiration! Bravo for also making a terrific self-learner music classroom. Must connect more. – K
Cherie, I would LOVE to get my hands on this recorder repair shop resource you have written about. Man, I wished I would’ve seen this blog post earlier. What a fantastic idea!! Thanks for being willing to share your fabulous ideas and resource! – E
Hi Cherie, I have been meaning to email you for weeks now. Do you have any idea how thrilled I was to actually pay for some of your brilliant ideas? It was the best money I had spent in a while….minus that delicious blueberry yogurt shake I had to have! Way to go, good for you! Thanks for the constant inspiration – J
You just cannot imagine what your ideas have done for my music classroom! I love visiting your blog and appreciate every ounce fo hard work you put into what you do!
Hi Cherie, I can’t tell you how inspired I have been since finding your site. I have started the flipped recorder class and the kids who have tried it are hooked. Now I want to get other students keen to try it so I’m going to add the Wall of Fame. Cherie, my kids absolutely love the Solfege listening activity! I used it as an informal assessment, I meant to write when we did it but this reminded me. Thank you for ALL of the awesome things you share. – N
I love getting your blog and reading about all of the ways you use technology in your classroom. I have shared your website with my colleagues and used many of your ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.
I appreciate your generosity so much.Love your Smart Board activities. They’re all things I WANT to create but never find the time to (at least haven’t risen to the top of the priority list…) Thank you for sharing!
Cherie, I LOVE your blog! I taught music years ago and LOVED it, then I wound up going into another field of education for many years, and recently retired….but was just re-hired in a part-time elem. music position and am SO EXCITED ……and somewhat frightened! Anyway, your ideas are wonderful and have really helped to put me at ease!! THANK YOU!! KB
Mrs. Herring, First of all I want to thank you for all the work you do in creating your SmartBoard lessons and activities. I also want to thank you for your generous spirit. I have used all of the items you have posted to SmartExchange and your blog. You have saved me so much time. Your ability to create professional quality lessons and activities can not be matched. I really appreciate you a lot! I am wanting to download your latest posts from your blog, but my school district does not allow me to download items from dropbox. Is there anyway you could email them? Thank you soooo much!! – A
- Thank you so much for sharing all of your ideas today in the ipad sharing seminar. You’re amazing. I look forward to following your blog and sharing with our music teacher! – D
- First let me say THANK YOU!!! I recently got a smartboard and spent many weeks stressed over it, BUT your blog has helped so much!! – E
- How awesome are you!? I love this site! I’ve been making a ton of Smartboard stuff, and sometimes run out of ideas. Thanks for sharing! Also, thank you for not making me reinvent the wheel. When I have time, I’d love to be able to put my homemade things on a blog. Maybe someday I can repay your generosity.
– P
- Cherie you are so generous & amazing! I am incredibly impressed with the quality & quantity of your work! I just got ONE ipad for my music room & am planning to use it to control my stereo & Rhapsody through a SONOS system, but I’m interested in a full set for the classroom to use them like you do. Have you posted any of the Recorder Karate adaptations anywhere? I would LOVE to try them! – S
- I really enjoy your blog. You have tons of great ideas that always inspire me to come up with even more for my students!
- I would also love to see how you worded your grant applications for iPads in your music classroom and the Music Memory ideas. I am on here looking for iPad ideas to write a grant tonight ;)) thank you so much for all of your awesome ideas!!
- Wow, I loved watching the parachute video. Great stuff. Then I spent the next hour or so exploring your videos from your web site. I have educreations but have never used it with the kids. I can’t wait! Again, thanks for the inspiration, so fun! -J
- Cherie, I just wrote out my more detailed ipad proposal, so fingers crossed that that dream comes true. Thanks for all the info on ipads that you’ve posted because I definitely integrated some of your concepts in how I plan on using the ipads…….You are an AMAZING teacher & I’m continually impressed with everything you’ve posted here & on the SMARTExchange.- S
- I am a fellow music teacher (K-5) and am so inspired by all of your work with SmartNotebook. I don’t have a SmartBoard yet, but am trying to convince my administration that I need one! Our school just won a grant for technology so I am hopeful that some of it will find its way into my room! Your incredible charts have me wanting to really dig in and make my own. I’ve had extensive training on ActivInspire and Promethean boards, but to be honest, I feel like I’m drowning a bit in SmartNotebook. How did you get started? Do you have any tips for me? I’m eager to learn! – A
- Dear Mrs. Herring -I recently came across one of your SMART Notebook files and I absolutely love it! (It’s the leaf one for 18 assessments for music learners). I checked out your Website/Pinterest Account as well – absolutely amazing ideas and plans! In working with SMART Notebook throughout my college years and into my professional career, it’s definitely a part of my teaching! I also love how you integrate movement and more into your lessons with SMART Notebook Lessons… thanks so much for your ideas and your passion for teaching music with technology!
- You have my ALL TIME favorite blog to visit for ideas! Every post is jam packed with fun activities and ways to engage students! I’m especially fond of the iPad uses in the music room as my district is also a 1:1 iPad district. It’s fun to see how someone else uses them
- Wow!!! Absolutely brilliant my dear, as usual…
Thank you for sharing with all of us. I WISH I had an IPad or a SMART board! Geez! :/ – N
- Hello Ms. Herring, I just wanted to write to you to say thank you for the Holiday Activity Smart Board lesson. I’m a first year teacher, and I’m constantly looking for things to do with my students to keep my class interesting on shortened days. The lesson has been a hit! You did a fantastic job. Have a happy new year!
- You are amazing!! You have truly inspired me to think outside the box and create interactive lessons for my kids! I sung your praises to all my music teacher friends! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your hard work! – A
- Thanks for all your contributions to the SMARTboard equipped music classroom. Whenever I see a good SMARTboard file I’m not surprised when I see your name attached! – A
- Hi Cherie, I love reading all of your posts and love your enthusiasm! As a ten year veteran music teacher, I am learning a lot of new ways about teaching using smart boards. Sadly no training has been offered, so I spend hours scouting out new ideas. I teach JK-Gr. 8 and am always looking for new ideas, so thank you for your great links and ideas!
- a new comment on your post “Star Spangled Banner update”: Cherie, I love this… thanks for putting so much time into it!!! I use a Promethean Board, so I imported your flip into ProBoard, which means that I had to “re-do” the links (between pages) and change a little bit of the formatting (adjusting font sizes, etc). I also took the liberty of making a couple of small changes- most importantly, I changed your “youtube.com” links to be “youtube.clea.nr” links to avoid ads that are sometimes not school-appropriate!My kids have LOVED learning with this flip… thanks so much for sharing it!
- I am feeling very spoiled and loving it right now. Thank you for the incredible activities and resources! –MH from TX
- HI Cherie-Thank you so much! I really appreciate your openness in sharing your lessons. You obviously have put a lot of time into creating engaging and fun lessons. I am excited to use them with my K-3 music students!
- …..Great variety of activities! FUN! Thanks for sharing!
- WOW!!! I absolutely love, love, love, love your website and all of your goodies..
- I would love to be added to your drop box. Thank you for being so generous and sharing these. – D.
- Hi Cherie, first of all I want to tell you you have awesome smartboard activities! my kids (pre-k) love the kindergarten substitute song board. a favorite nearly every day. -HJ from WI
- Thank you for getting “Bach” to me so quickly. My fourth graders are just finishing up Bach’s Fight For Freedom and your post got me excited to try out some new ideas. Thank you for being so generous with your lesson ideas and sharing clips of your adorable classes. -SD
- Thank you so much! Creating quality smartboard lessons is so time-consuming,–especially when it is your first year with technology! I really appreciate you sharing your materials that you obviously worked so hard in creating! Once I get the hang of it, I will try to send some back your way. – R
- I LOVED your Pumpkin Stew lesson!! I LOVE your whole website–I wish my kids could have iPads! How wonderful! – K
- I just discovered your blog and I love it! Thank you so much for sharing. I am an elementary music teacher with 19 years of experience, and a new Promethean Board I have found a way to import SMART files into Promethean notebook and have downloaded a few of your SMART files. Can’t wait to use them.
- ….Your Ghostly Vocal Sounds for the Smartboard is perfect and so cute! – D
- Thank you, Cherie! Gee, it feels like Christmas in September! ; )
- I love your blog, too. You are an inspiration, for sure! I’m anxious to try out some of your files and ideas. This couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I’m in the process of “sprucing up” some teaching strategies by incorporating more Smartboard use. What a blessing you are. And, I love the scripture from Colossians.
- Hi, I am a preservice music/ed teacher and am loving your blog! I am just starting an ICT course and your blog touches upon many things that we are talking about in the class. I just posted your blog to share with my teacher and colleagues
- AMAZING success with using your madlips posters! The school is all a-buzz about it! They think it’s hysterical and really love listening to the music you provided. After my unit is complete I plan on putting your posters on our big bulletin board for kids to scan at their leisure. It was so successful that I was asked to present your lesson to my district’s Board of Education meeting to show proof of iPad success in our school. Thank you so very much for sharing your creations and ideas. It has inspired me, the kids, and even other teachers in my building. I have also been asked to teach our teachers how to use madlips! It can become applicable to any subject. I had our tech coordinator install EduCreations on the elementary iPads in hopes that we can start a project similar to what you have recently displayed on your awesome blog. Gotta add that I am totally impressed with your idea for crate seats. Brilliant! I know loads of teachers who need the risers for choral rehearsals but also teach little ones and wish they had seats for them. . . . . I thank you very sincerely for providing wonderful resources for beginning teachers like myself (4th yr.) and not charging…..though honestly, you probably should be. You’re stuff is too good! – SP from OH
- I just wanted to tell you that I am now OBSESSED with your blog. I love your creative ideas and it so obvious that you absolutely love what you do! Thank you so much for inspiring me and other teachers through your blog! – KT
- What a great guy your husband is to completely understand what makes you happy! That was a really wonderful anniversary surprise and you will ALWAYS think of him when using them. Way to go!!! – EL
- I just came across your webpage and am BLOWN AWAY!!! What an inspiration you are!! Thank you for putting up so many great resources and fantastic ideas. I am a 4th year music teacher in a challenging low-income elementary school in New York City, and it is often a struggling to keep improving my practice. I was so moved by your website that I just needed to write to you and say thanks!! I am so inspired and energized by your work. THANK YOU! – C
- The kids all love your smartboard activities! – C
- I LOVE your stuff!!! – D
- I just discovered your lessons on Smart Exchange! They are wonderful! I’ll be watching for your name to see if you submit others. Thanks so much!
- Cherie, it’s posts like this that have me totally green and wanting a SMART board!! Great posts, just wish I could use the! You’re amazing! – A
- – a new comment on your post “QR Codes, MadLips, and Magic in the Music Room”: What a brilliant way to incorporate technology into the music classroom, and the madlips bios just cracks me up. Thank you so much for sharing these valuable resources! – A
- What a FUN FUN activity! Can’t wait to give it a go! THANK YOU! – A
- I love all your smartboard lessons! I use the bubble sub plan lessons when I have a few minutes left in the class. My kids love it! I’ve also learned a bunch of cool techniques of setting up smartboard lessons from yours. Thanks so much for sharing!
- Hello Mrs. Herring,
- I am a fourth year music teacher who has been utilizing your Pinterest pins (with loads of success!) in my elementary music classroom. It was so exciting to see that you have started a blog – I am hooked! You have such wonderful ideas – thank you for sharing them.
- My school recently purchased iPads for classroom use. I have been working diligently to find something perfect for my music classes to use but haven’t had significant success….I need something they’ll get excited about. Something other than just playing with it like it’s a toy. I have EduCreations and have recently downloaded the scan app in order to try out your recent Pinterest posts – what a fantastic idea!
- Thank you for all you do – you have inspired me! – SP
- Love it all! Thanks for sharing!
- Seriously – love it all! Thanks for sharing!
- I am telling you…these are HILARIOUS. I showed my kids the John Williams one today, and they laughed really hard! Love it – you are awesome!
- I first came across your blog on Pinterest. I joined your blog from my school computer and attempted to download your Squilt2 file directly from the blog and files were added to the computer, but I wasn’t able to open them as you had intended. Once you gave me the Dropbox information, I was able to create an account and have no problems seeing your AWESOME SMARTnotebook programs. In fact, I receive pop-up notifications any time you add something new to your Dropbox. It’s just like Christmas! Thanks again for providing/sharing an excellent resource for other teachers to use.
- I am sending you a huge “virtual” hug all the way from ********! Over the last few weeks I have heard so much negativity about iPads from some of our parents. A small but very, very vocal minority. I feel so passionately that we are giving our students such a powerful way to learn. As you know, so many people have put so much of themselves into this initiative. I am proud to work with such a tremendous faculty. Educators like you make this worth all of the time, energy, and yes, the battle scars.